Tuesday 26 January 2016

Grinning on her way to prison: Foster mother is jailed for six years for shaking toddler to death } MailOnline

A smiling foster mum has been jailed for more than six years after shaking a 23-month-old baby to death and blowing £27,000 of ill-gotten child care fees on a holiday and car.
Wendy Hardy, 46, assaulted Harry Aspley just months after taking him into her home in December 2012.
When he struggled to eat without vomiting on March 26, 2013, she lost her temper and shook him so violently he suffered massive brain injuries.

Hardy then dumped him back in his crib at her home in Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire, only calling an ambulance when her husband David returned from work two hours later.
Harry was rushed to Leicester Royal Infirmary but died of his injuries five days later.
Hardy was yesterday jailed for six-and-a-half years after admitting manslaughter and fraud.
She was initially charged with murder but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter when she appeared at Leicester Crown Court in November.

At that appearance, she was seen grinning outside the court room.
Sentencing her at Birmingham Crown Court on Monday, Judge Jeremy Baker said: 'Harry was a very vulnerable child.
'As an experienced foster parent you would have known all too well the risks of treating him in the manner you did.
'Knowing you had seriously injured Harry, you failed to seek prompt medical help.

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