Thursday 28 January 2016

How £33million National #Lottery 'washing machine ticket' saga unfolded and what happens now } Mirror

The mystery over whether Susanne Hinte really put a winning Lotto ticket in the wash came to a dramatic conclusion today after the real winner came forward

On Saturday, January 9, Noel Edmonds drew the balls for a record-breaking £66million lottery draw.

Little more than two weeks later the game is embroiled in its biggest ever mystery - did gran-of-four Susanne Hinte really buy one of two winning tickets which scooped just over £33m.

The claim she put the winning ticket through the washing machine - destroying all but the winning numbers, triggered speculation around the globe.

Today Camelot confirmed the real winner has had their claim validated after producing an undamaged ticket.

We look back at how the saga unfolded.

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