Saturday 13 February 2016

Twisted #rapist who tortured woman with piping hot water is caged as victim reveals "I thought I'd die" } Mirror

Brave victim addressed the court after she was subjected to a vicious and sustained seven hour sex attack

A rapist who subjected his victim to a horrendous seven-hour sex attack has been jailed for 12 years.

Benjamin Recio-Nugent, 26, lured his victim to his house following a night out last year and then subjected her to a horrific ordeal.

He repeatedly raped her, poured piping hot water over her and stuffed a sock into her mouth to muffle her screams - leaving the woman thinking she was going to die.

The woman, who cannot be named but was given the alias 'Laura', tried to flee but was dragged back into the house and pulled into different rooms in the house where Recio-Nugent repeatedly raped her.

Recio-Nugent also forced her to wear make-up to cover the bruises before he eventually allowed her to leave.

The woman called a taxi and told the driver to take her straight to a police station.

Recio-Nugent, from Sheffield, South Yorkshire who was known to the victim, was arrested the following day.

After the hearing 'Laura' said: "During the attack thought I was going to die. I was in that much pain part of me started to think it was the only way it was ever going to end.

"I am relieved to see him behind bars so that he won't be able to hurt anyone else.

"This marks the end of a long and very difficult journey, not only for me, but for those closest to me including family and friends, who have supported me through the darkest period of my life.

"Seeing him jailed today does not change what happened to me, but it does draw a line under the lies that have been spread about me since the attack.

"Finally, the truth has been heard and he has been held accountable for what he did to me."

Jeremy Hill-Baker, prosecuting, told Sheffield Crown Court the woman had suffered nightmares and flashbacks as a result of the attack and is now scared to leave her house.

Recio-Nugent told police after his arrested that the woman "fabricated" the story and said the sex was consensual.

Glenn Parsons, for Recio-Nugent, said his client would have time to "reflect" on his crimes during his prison sentence and would get help for his problems.

Recio-Nugent was found guilty of rape, attempted rape, four counts of sexual assault by penetration and physical assault following a trial.

He showed no emotion as Recorder Simon Kealey jailed him for 12 years and nodded to the judge before giving the public gallery a thumbs up as he was led away to the cells.

DC Dave Grubb, who led the investigation, said: "The level and nature of the prolonged violence Laura was subjected to was horrendous and she has shown remarkable courage in reporting the attack and then providing compelling evidence against her attacker in court, where his version of events was shown to be nothing more than a series of lies.

"I hope that today's sentence will provide Laura with some sense of closure and enable her to continue to positively move on with her life while also encouraging other victims of sexual offences to come forward in the knowledge they will be believed and supported by South Yorkshire Police."

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