Wednesday 26 October 2016

'I don't need to prove I'm not a dumb blonde'

Holly Willoughby hits back at reality star Danni Levy during row over the dictionary definition of an 'Essex girl'

Holly Willoughby showed her feisty side on This Morning on Wednesday during a debate about the Oxford English Dictionary definition of 'Essex girl' after a campaign to change it attracted more than 3,000 signatures. 

Life On Marbs star Danni Levy said she didn't mind the fact that the term became recognised in the dictionary to describe 'unintelligent, promiscuous and materialistic' women. 

Danni asked Holly: 'Why should you have to prove that you're intelligent, just because you're blonde?'

'I don't think I do,' Holly snapped back.  

Danni, who said people should just 'get over it', also said to Holly: 

'We don't say, "Oh look at that Essex girl, that dumb Essex girl. The term dumb blonde is in the dictionary but Holly, are you going to campaign against it?'

'Well hang on a minute...' Holly said laughing awkwardly.

Danni also said that she thought the use of the term helped to 'put Essex on the map.'

'I am so surprised that these ladies are campaigning to get it changed,' she said. 

'People like Amy Childs, Gemma Collins, they are pop culture icons. We don't look at them and say, "look at that Essex girl, that dumb Essex girl".'

'It's not derogatory and you can't change it.'


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