Monday 17 October 2016

Oba Coronation: Crown Prince to choose name tomorrow - TheNation

Crown Prince of Benin Kingdom, Prince Eheneden Erediauwa, will on Tuesday visit Use community in Egor local government to choose the name he will answer as an Oba.

Prince Erediauwa who is currently staying at the Usama Palace will leave in the morning accompanied by a large crowd to Use.

At Use, the Crown Prince will play the Akhue game after which he will pronounce the name he will answer.

Until the Crown Prince plays the game, he does not know the name he will answer.

Already, Use community is wearing a new look ahead of Prince Erediauwa visit. Many shrines in the community where certain rituals will be performed have been cleaned while the road leading to the community has been cleaned.

The ancient residence housing the shrine where Prince Erediauwa will play the game has been painted and the residents are in a happy mood.

Keeper of the shrine, Ekpen Kelvin, the Edigin N’ Use, had earlier told newsmen that he has been prepared to receive the Crown Prince even though he was not born in 1979 when Oba Erediauwa visited.

According to him, “We are in full gear preparing for the coming our Crown Prince. I was not born in 1979 when the former Crown Prince visited. I will play the traditional game with the Prince.

“This is a family treasury. It is one of the importance of my family, my heritage, my dynasty so I have to be prepared for it. I am very prepared for it. We are doing our best to make sure there is security, clean environment and better atmosphere to receive the crown Prince. Also, all shrine in the community which every relevant ceremony will be done are prepared.

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