Tuesday 17 July 2018

"How Old Groundnuts Cause Liver Cancer" - Nigerian, Nonso Doctor Speaks

Nigerian Doctor, Dr. Nonso, self-styled Aproko Doctor took to his Twitter handle to warn people of the danger of eating old groundnuts.
According to his tweet, it causes cancer of the liver. The consumption of groundnuts, especially with Garri (Cassava flakes) or bread, is very common in Nigeria. 
 Read full tweets; 

"I'm just here to remind you that eating old groundnuts can give you cancer of the liver #aprokodoctor 
Old groundnuts contain aflatoxin that causes liver cancer. This toxin is produced by a fungus that infects old improperly stored groundnuts.
Don't let your village people win.  
Throw that ancestral groundnut away.
Groundnuts should be stored in airtight containers. 

Preferably in the refrigerator with constant electricity for about 3 months. 
But as we no dey get light like that...
The moment something feels wrong about it. Discard"

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