Saturday, 29 December 2018

Egyptian Lady Sentenced To Three Years Imprisonment For Sexually Harassing A Monkey

An Egyptian court has sentenced a 25-year-old woman to three years in prison for “sexually harassing” a monkey, state daily Al-Ahram reported Friday.

A court in Mansoura city charged Basma Ahmed with “inciting debauchery” and “committing an obscene act in public”, a judicial source told the newspaper.

She was arrested in October after a 90-second video of the incident went viral. The video shows Ahmed laughing while touching the genitalia of a monkey at a pet shop in the Nile Delta city and making sexual innuendos as people around her chuckle.

Brigadier General Issam Abu Arab, head of the Protection of Literacy Department, was able to identify the accused. Basma Ahmed admitted that one of her friends had filmed her.

She told the prosecution that she had not meant to abuse the monkey in any way and that she was fond of the monkey.

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