Friday 21 December 2018

Heartbroken father wakes to find baby son dead in his arms

A heartbroken father has relived the moment he woke up to find his baby son dead in his arms - just two hours after they fell asleep together on their family sofa.

David Hulley, 25, had dozed off sat up on the settee with four week old Karson Winter-Hulley snuggled up to him after he gave the infant a 5.30am feed in their lounge.

But when Mr Hulley, from Stockport, Greater Manchester, woke up at around 7..30am, Karson was unresponsive and the infant was pronounced dead later in hospital despite efforts by doctors to revive him.

At an inquest a coroner described the tragedy last June 24 as 'every parent's worst nightmare' as experts said they could not establish why the baby had died.

The hearing was told Karson's mother Beverley Winter, 24, who had an older child had endured a difficult pregnancy with him and he was born in May weighing 5.5lbs but doctors reported no concerns following his birth.

Mr Hulley, a fire and security engineer, told the Stockport hearing: 'We both loved Karson very much.
Beverley had a difficult pregnancy with Karson and was told his long bones were shorter than usual.

'We were worried because of the way it was handled, the midwife was like a bull in a china shop, but when we saw a doctor they put us at ease. They just said he was a small baby.

'Beverley had him early. We took him home and he was doing very well. He had a stuffy cold a few days before he died but it wasn't bothering him too much, it was annoying him but that was all it did. He was a good feeder, he was on bottles and liked his food. His sleeping was up and down, but he seemed okay the night before he died.

'He seemed a bit clingy and off but we didn't look into it that much. Even after he died we haven't thought too much of it.

'We had him sleeping in the bedroom in a cot next to us. Beverley took him up to his cot and he went to bed okay.


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