Wednesday 26 December 2018

LADIES PANTIES! Islamic Cleric Reveals How Yahoo Boys Approached Him To Prepare Money Rituals

Various women underwear have become ‘money-making machines’, and essential tools in the hand of ritualist and internet fraudsters popularly known as yahoo-boys in Delta state, to attract ill-gotten wealth.

Read the report below by New Telegraph.

Undies of girls, between the ages of 13 to 30, especially those of virgins, are hot cakes for use by ritualists. While one underwear sells for N200,000 or N250,000 depending on the bargaining power of the seller with the buyer, those of virgins sell for as high as N350,000, which may be go up to N500,000, after its efficacy must have been confirmed.

The tale is in every nook and cranny of the state that ‘yahoo-plus’ guys have engaged the service of some up-coming yahoo boys to go for ladies’ underwear for attractive prices.

The assignment becomes more lucrative for the errand boys, popularly known as ‘Stew Boys’ in the oil city Warri, if they are able to supply essential commodities, that is, vital human parts, especially of virgins, such as Bosom s, tongues, peen and testicles (scrotums), eyeballs, fingers and ears, which they have code-named, “data (materials) for subscription (renewal of ritual for cash flow)”.

As if that was not enough, it has become extremely difficult to discharge waste matters, like urine and faeces from human bowels indiscriminately within the state.

Residents now take caution to defecate in bushes or urinate in unauthorized places, owing to the activities of these desperate ‘boys’, seeking to make money through metaphysical intervention, and have allegedly been commissioned to do odd things, such as eating faeces or drinking urine, other than theirs, to renew their oath.

This, the New Telegraph City Beat gathered, was partly responsible for why the killers of a 300 level student of Mass Communication at the Delta state-owned University, (DELSU), Abraka, Miss Elozino Ogege, brutally murdered her, severing her two Bosom s and tongue, before leaving her to die along a bush path at outskirt of the university town.

Besides this, other cases of suspected ritual killings have been recorded in the state, including the murder and removal of vital parts of a student of the state-owned polytechnic, Ozoro, in Owhelogbo and beheading and taking away of the head of a victim at a nearby bush in Uzere axis of Isoko North council and Isoko South council areas respectively.

For fear of the unknown, female tenants in their compounds (Houses) where four to five boys live are now afraid of hanging their underwear in open places, except in their bathrooms. They are unperturbed whether it takes one week for a bra or pants to dry up. In desperation, some have resorted to the use of pressing-iron to get them properly dry.

Within Warri and Asaba metropolis where ‘yahoo boys’ have held sway, girls no longer allow their lover-boys and sugar-daddies to do clean up for them after sexual intercourse – this is no thanks to the alleged occult handkerchiefs being used by men allegedly to wipe away their destinies.

A Muslim cleric, known as Alfa, who lives in Okpanam, a suburb town to Asaba, the state capital, said, owing to his religious life, over 40 young boys have approached him and sought to pay heavily if he could prepare rituals that would make their clients, whom they refer to as ‘Maga’, to surrender to whatever they tell them.

He said the latest boy that came early last month agreed to offer N200,000 to prepare a charm known as ‘Mayeun, meaning ‘I concur’. He explained that such charm will makes the brain of the ‘maga’ to be on leave and foolishly agree to whatever the ‘yahoo boy’ says to snatch money from him or her.

“But little do they (yahoo boys) know that I don’t engage in such practices. I only assist those in bondage and set captives free from oppression and subjugation”, Alfa said.

Provoked by their activities, especially after Elizino was killed and her body dismembered, the Governor of the state, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, demanded security agencies to serve justice on suspected ritual killers, masquerading as ‘Yahoo boys’ but engaging in ‘yahoo-plus’.

The governor noted with serious concern and worry, the increasing and disturbing activities of suspected ritual killers and criminally minded individuals, whose obtrusive and flamboyant escapades are becoming more conspicuous in the state. The governor condoled with the family, her Isoko ethnic nationality and the Delta State University, Abraka community of Elizino but gave a matching order to the security operatives in the state arrest the perpetrators of the dastard act, maintaining that he was “greatly distraught by the sad development”.

He gave a term of reference in an order routed through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Charles Aniagwu, as he insisted that, “a serious crackdown on all ‘Yahoo’ ritualists and all those involved in unexplainable sudden wealth in the state, must now start.”

“As a government whose primary responsibility is the protection of lives and property as well as the welfare of her citizens, I urge Deltans and Nigerians to partner with the government and report to security agencies the activities of these gangs with a view to assisting the society get rid of such dangerous groups. Never again as a people shall we condone the activities of these known criminals as we all seem to agree that “enough is enough”
, the governor added, as he appreciated the solidarity exhibited by Deltans and Nigerians in condemning the bizarre act and urged security agencies in the state and country to join forces against criminal elements, veneering as ‘Yahoo Plus’.

Gingered by this, the Police Command in the state swung into action. Already, 51 yahoo boys, under the ages of 15 to 19, who could not explain the source of their affluence but suspected to be ritual killers, were arrested.

The Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Andrew Aniamaka at the command headquarters in Asaba told the New Telegraph this month that over 50 teenagers, who cruise around the state in exotic cars and owing mansions, suspected to have been acquired through questionable means and wearing intimidating hair styles, have been apprehended and undergoing interrogations on account of their wealth.

He said: “This is another trending crime in the state. Over 50 teenagers, of 15 to 19 years of age, have been apprehended by the command’s Eagle-Net. Certain teenagers who have mansions in the state have been invited and quizzed to discourage shortcut to wealth.”

He warned preachers – Christian and Muslim leaders to stem down the tide of crimes in youths by de-emphasizing prosperity gospel, which has relegated integrity and hard work to the background.

Aniamaka decried the sensationalism and negative colourable attached to the activities of yahoo boys, saying the tale surrounding underwear and search for virgins were later added to the trending crime to cause panic in unsuspecting members of the public.

A journalist, Comrade Monady Osayande, blamed the insatiable appetite of most of the girls who fall victim. He said: “Girls of nowadays go for ‘already-made-man’. They look down on genuine lovers. They don’t want to struggle and grow in richness with any man. They are less bordered about the source of the wealth of a boy that claims to love them. What they are concerned about is the kind of car he drives, the kind mansion he owns, and the number of club houses he attends in a week and how much he spends there. All they are after is how much will he offer after a night trip.”

An Assistant Superintendent of Police, ASP Olakunle Simon, at the service, said the negative trend of ritual killings in some parts of the country had called for caution, as so many cases of missing young girls, kidnapped and some dying mysteriously or running mad, have been reported.

He said so many of the perpetrators who terminate people’s lives have been arrested but many of them are still outside there. He said: “Crime rate in Nigeria is on the increase as many people especially the so called Yahoo-Boys are looking for UNICEF means to get wealthy even at the expense of their lives and those of their parents. This is not say the economic recession has not exacerbated this problem.”

He explained how two young girls were asked at gun point to take off their pants. One took hers off but the other who was not on pant was asked to pass out urine in a bottle. “In the past, it used to be ‘Your life or your money?’ But today, it has become ‘Your pant or your life?” Please, be wary of hanging your pants outside on rope. Hang it in your bathrooms or rooms”, the ASP admonished.

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