Monday 21 January 2019

Piers Morgan SLAMS Dancing On Ice's Jason Gardiner for 'body shaming and abusing' Gemma Collins.

Piers Morgan has pledged his support for Gemma Collins amid her Dancing On Ice drama.

Gemma has faced backlash on the celebrity skating series after she was deemed unprofessional by Holly Willoughby and Jason Gardiner - with Piers branding the latter 'abusive' and a 'body shamer'.

'He’s body shaming her, he’s abusing her,' Piers said. 'I don’t know her, I’ve met her a couple of times and she strikes me as an entertaining reality star, but she’s giving it everything she’s got.'

Referring to Jason's remark to Gemma at the weekend that it's unlikely her pro partner Matt Evers will be able to lift her up on the ice, Piers went on: 'All that stuff about "we’re not going to see big lifts", what he means is, you’re overweight, that's what he’s saying to her.'

He took the opportunity to slam the notoriously-catty judge Jason, saying: 'I think most people watching would be on her side in that debate, because he did give a big interview dumping all over her.'

Piers was referring to an interview Jason gave last week in which he branded Gemma 'mediocre and lazy', after it was reported that she left last week's live show before the broadcast had ended.

But the Good Morning Britain anchor had nothing but praise for the TOWIE star.

'I admire the attempt to try and be better than she clearly is and for Jason Gardiner to be burying her in the press in the week I think it completely wrong.

'During the competition, trashing her the way he did, I think was completely unprofessional.


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