Monday, 27 July 2020

What God Revealed To Me The Day Ibidunmi Ighodalo Died - Husband

Many wondered why Pastor Ituah Igbodalo didn’t cancel his prior commitment to preach at the service considering that his wife died only a few hours before.

In this new chat with Seye Kehinde, Pastor Ituah Igbodalo revealed he could not cancel his appointment to officiate at the event and what the Lord told him to do.

Read excerpts below:

How did you derive that inner strength to make you overcome and bear your recent loss?

I think my relationship with God just kicked in. When that thing happened,  I didn’t think of myself, I thought of two things. I said, “God, where are you and what are you trying to do? And the second thing is my wife, what would you like me to do in this situation?

And I just got comfort, knowing that God was with me, knowing that God had a reason for this. These are the things I have told other people. These are the things that I have learnt. These are the things that I have preached.

These are things that I know that, when God took away David’s son after 7-days, it was painful for David but in the end, because he had the appropriate reaction, God turned it to good for him.

The Bible tells us that Joseph’s brothers said: “look at how he was begging us, beseeching us and crying, that, how can you do this to me?” But about 13 years later, what looked like a terrible thing, we saw the manifestation of God’s power. I said God, this is very painful to me but I know there must be something you are trying to tell me, so treat me gently God, tell me what you want me to do and how you want me to react at this time and it was as though the Almighty gave me the instruction. I didn’t listen to anybody, I listened to him. He instructed me on every step to take. He said to me, people will come and say this and that, don’t worry, hear what they have to say, but report to me, your God. Let you and I discuss what they have said. So, during that time, whatever anybody says to me, I had only 2 responses, “thank you, I am grateful”

I was thankful for people’s presence and went back to my bed with my God, I will go over what I have heard during the day and say, Lord, what do I do? By the time I will wake up by 4 am the next morning, I would have had enough conversation with Him, and by the time I am ready to see people at 8 or 9 O’clock,

I know exactly what to do and I did them, as best as I could. I am not saying it was a perfect environment but this is how I coped during this time.

He said to me, don’t feel sorry for yourself, it is about me, Ibidunni and the rest of the world, just listen to me and do what I ask you to do. So, any time the thing will overwhelm me, I will hear him saying again, it is not about you, don’t feel sorry for yourself, just listen to me and I took a lot of comfort in that and it helped me to do what I needed to do.

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