Thursday 5 October 2023

Atiku Hails David Hundeyin During His Press Conference


Atiku, in his world press conference speech, took his time to give David Hundeyin his flowers, over his outstanding commitment to the craft, and dedication to birthing a clean Nigeria for all through the work of his hands; journalism. In the video above (from 0:23), Atiku is quoted as saying

“From exposing the Watergate scandal and unravelling the dubious certificate of politicians, journalists have maintained eternal vigilance by bridging the gaps and stepping in where other arms of government failed. It is for these reasons that commendation must be given to David Hundeyin, an independent journalist, whose extraordinary work, and those of many more young people like him, has become a source of inspiration… ”

Indeed, it pays to be the honest best in whatever you set out to do. 

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