Sunday 18 February 2024

APC primary: Dekeri accepts mandate, calls for support


One of the aspirants claiming victory in the All Progressives Congress primary election, Anamero Dekeri, said he has accepted the nomination to be the party’s candidate at the September 21 election.

In his acceptance speech on Sunday, he commended the stakeholders and urged other aspirants to join hands with him to improve the fortunes of the party and win the governorship election.

He said, “On February 17, 2024  members of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Edo State came out to vote for a candidate of their choice to fly the party’s flag in the forthcoming gubernatorial election for Edo State.

“In their wisdom, they elected me, Anamero Dekeri, as their preferred candidate. In all humility and with a great sense of responsibility, I accept this choice, which I believe is a reflection of God’s choice. From the depth of my heart I say a big thank you to members of our great party in Edo State for reposing this huge confidence in me, which I must say I do not take for granted.

 “I must also thank critical stakeholders, especially the state and national working committees, for insisting on total adherence to electoral guidelines as stipulated in the timetable. Let me also appreciate the electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission for ensuring transparency in the conduct of the election.

He further acknowledged the efforts of his campaign team for their resilience and commitment to the noble course. He then urged them to rededicate themselves to the next stage of the process.

While addressing his co-contestants, he noted that their participation helped deepen democracy in APC. “You fought gallantly and with passion. We might have disagreed during the campaigns which is not unusual in any contest, however our members have made a choice,” he noted.

“There is no victor and there is no vanquished. It is APC that has won. Democracy is the winner. Therefore, I invite you to join hands with me and let us match together, shoulder to shoulder, with great strength and commitment, and remove the temporary occupant at Osadebe Avenue – the PDP come September, 2024,” he added.

He called on the APC in Edo State to “gird their loins” and join forces for campaign efforts to form the next government in the state.

“Ours shall be a government that will care for you and your children and alleviates your sufferings,” he noted.

“Let me send this message to Peoples Democratic Party, the temporary occupant at Dennis Osadebey Avenue, to begin to pack their luggage. Your time is up,” he added.

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